Monday, November 2, 2020

Choose SSD Over 'Normal' Hard Drives - Here's Why!

Many are not aware of this, probably because SSD [Solid State Drive] started off as a very expensive technology. You had to be a gamer or a nerd to choose them as the effect on overall performance was limited back then. Much has changed, and today it would be a very good choice, especially for laptop computers since Solid State Drives consume far less power.

I had myself overlooked SSD for quite some time. I had a 320Gb harddrive running at 5400rpm, and I was actually fine with it. I was fully aware I could benefit from increasing speed to a 7200rpm-drive, but suddenly I became curious. My curiosity was further sparked by a temperature problem. My hard drive was suffering from one of the first signs of wear and tear. It became way too hot: 62 degrees celcius!

I knew my nephew used a SSD in his laptop, and we had talked about prices dropping, so I did do a bit of research. I found a program for cloning called Macrium Reflect which was excellent in cloning my active drive to my new drive which I had connected to the pc using a converter cable. When the program was on my computer the next thing was considering how much space I actually needed. I have an external 1Tb hard drive which is more than enough space to store ALL files, including a regular backup...

I saw that my actual data need was around 60-70Gb, and therefore I chose a 128Gb SSD just to be on the safe side. That was quite probably my best investment ever this year.

I am SO happy I made that change, and there is a huge difference in both speed but also power consumption, so I thought I would share this with you, dear readers. :-)

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